We are shaped by our thoughts; we become what we think. When the mind is pure, joy follows like a shadow that never leaves

~ Gautam Buddha

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Blissful yours-The conscious

I,the mind is  an ingrained part of living beings. I rule the existence of human life yet i am the most unfamiliar and unacknowledged part of self in human life. Probably the high paced life of human being force them  to completey bury and forget me. But unfortunately the imposed apathy towards me drag the human life to down hill. And then it appear in them as mental  and physical maladies.

In life,denial of self and apathy towards mind create failed relationships, failure in careers, perennial dissatisfaction and in extreme cases, depression, mental and physical ailments. The list is long and really scary. Yet, the choice is yours to take care of me or not.

Whenever I chalk out the reasons behind my unreasonably forgotten self in human life, the modern ways of living and high-set expectations of society comes to the forefront. The norms set in today’s world is sometimes too high. And in persuits to reach the success create unreasonably stress. 

In today ‘s world, life is ruled with set deadline for work as the aim of life is to get fast bucks by any means. The yardstick of success is set  by society.
No reason that taking care of outside world only, the self sometimes completely forgotten.Taking care of self calls for awareness, to perceive between right and wrong and to  perform with sanctity is now not the way of life.Though in today's fast paced world it is still followed by very few. By most of the people taking care of mind tagged as a failed persuits as it viewef aspainfully slow and outcast mantra of life.

But do denial of self and awareness really work in life? What about the existing norms and set plateaus of success in today’s world? To really be with me requires courage and belief in self. At some point of time I may not seem to be working, or might be completely denied by your peer group, out of looming insecurities, or their way of achieving success.

But yet, I am your perennial blissful state: to be with me really needs a certain level of energy. You need to learn to be conscious to maintain enough level of energy despite investing in your energy in day to day commitments. That is why, now your new found focus needs to be shifted from the outside to inside. This means that throughout the day, just like a finance guru, one has to keep an honest and full account of the total expenditure, investment and return of energy level.

One needs to go a bit deeper in the self for finding the energy creation formula. This time tested formula still holds its magic. The eight-fold path of Buddha or the rules of Patanjali suits the best for the purpose. In this case, it does sound like the old, superstitious belief of old folks. If one has the energy to find the facts, experiment and then form their decisions, this is the ground work for blissful state. All of us long, throughout our lives for it.

 And few of us unfortunately tread on the wrong short cuts for happiness and get trapped in it. Yet, it is our life, so is the choice. Whatever will be the thought, so the action that will be followed by the outcome.

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