Reading is my passion since my childhood. It is my way to learn and explore the world around me, and to respite my list of “whys?” Books have alwayy been my faithful companion and closest ally as my inquisitiveness gets satiated through the ideas of prudent brains belonged to kingdom of book. They are the means to stretch my horizon of learning and give me expeditions of different minds.
In shaping my childhood the persistent exposure of words played major role as it gave me the power of expression.
Supported by apt words, during my childhood ,i won many of arguments with siblings and friends.It always gave me edge over many fights with them. Words always supported me. During siblings tiffs,it was my better presentation of words and convincing power which always tilted father' s support to me. Where as my loving and innocent brother would accept his defeat or would force to comply with father commands," Don' t fight with your little sister, she is so cute." Chuckingly father instruct him.Whereas faltering for words my brighter brother would repeatedly fail to garner his support.
Sometimed to add his woes he would challenge me openly infront of father. “You come outside, and then I will show you.” To counter his open threat i used to take refuge in my tears. They would act as wonder and a loving hug to father would take care of rest.
And one stern look on father's face would close the case permanently in my favor. “Who can dare to touch me after that?” In father' s strong presence i would gleefully walk around humming a tune.
In formative years I got hooked by fascinating events of nature.I had to know the apt reasons and answers about the mysterious happenings of the universe,like blue colors of sky, the cause of rainbow and many more. Naturally i got more inclined to books. They became my favorite refuge.
My adolescent years spent mostly quenching the logic and truth of the happenings around me whenever my ignorance raised another “why?” Although with academics I had already stepped into the dazzling worlds of the colors and monochrome as a painter,still books were my constant companions.
However after a point I allured more to silence than words. But still in the charmed silence of self ,the words had been taking shape inside me. During my busiest moments i would obscurely scribble words at the front of note books or on the last pages or at any vacant space on books.
In formative years I got hooked by fascinating events of nature.I had to know the apt reasons and answers about the mysterious happenings of the universe,like blue colors of sky, the cause of rainbow and many more. Naturally i got more inclined to books. They became my favorite refuge.
My adolescent years spent mostly quenching the logic and truth of the happenings around me whenever my ignorance raised another “why?” Although with academics I had already stepped into the dazzling worlds of the colors and monochrome as a painter,still books were my constant companions.
However after a point I allured more to silence than words. But still in the charmed silence of self ,the words had been taking shape inside me. During my busiest moments i would obscurely scribble words at the front of note books or on the last pages or at any vacant space on books.
During my leisure affrctionately i used to write and greet my friends with my words. My conveyed words to them always won applaud to me by them. The lingering affection and gleams on my teachers’ and friends’ face were most enduring moments for me which they would flash after receiving my hand written appreciation letters. They acted as a catalyst to me to work on next stuff. The mystic world of words shaped my attitude and personality.
Books and words were parallel to me like parents, family and home. The touch of books, the shuffling of pages always appeared gentle to me . Walking in the long corridors of premises with load of book seemed soothing to me as if i am walking with most dependable friend.
Even in the turmoiled hours of before exams i got succor in the crispy touch of books and their words. They were the savior of my tumultuous moments.
During the grueling hours in the exam hall when the lustrous words would make their appearance on the answer sheets,through my annulled mind. I would get my lost breath and reason for the survival on the planet earth.
Even the bleak moments of failed words never failed me. The close one always rewarded my tears with compound interest as it magically heaped more guilt on them. With others those moment of failed words and hurt equipped me with survival strategies and provided me new direction of life.
Then at a point faltering for words I felt a need to work upon them.As my story spinning self had been demanding apt words to explain the charming world around me. Till then i acquired status of motherhood. And now I had to find words and expression –for those tiny, pink palms who were throwing a soft throb on my face whenever I would come close to kiss the velvety tiny tot.
Now finding myself at little ease whenever I sit with my lap top .I ask myself, “Are the hours of straining the cerebra worth spent?” But my world is ruled by heart .Thus the emotional quest pests me “what I am going to do with these stuffs? Are they worth leaving as legacy or memoirs?” I have no plausible explanation.
But words are my succor- my passion – my companion. They pour out of me- through my expression , my stories.
Books and words were parallel to me like parents, family and home. The touch of books, the shuffling of pages always appeared gentle to me . Walking in the long corridors of premises with load of book seemed soothing to me as if i am walking with most dependable friend.
Even in the turmoiled hours of before exams i got succor in the crispy touch of books and their words. They were the savior of my tumultuous moments.
During the grueling hours in the exam hall when the lustrous words would make their appearance on the answer sheets,through my annulled mind. I would get my lost breath and reason for the survival on the planet earth.
Even the bleak moments of failed words never failed me. The close one always rewarded my tears with compound interest as it magically heaped more guilt on them. With others those moment of failed words and hurt equipped me with survival strategies and provided me new direction of life.
Then at a point faltering for words I felt a need to work upon them.As my story spinning self had been demanding apt words to explain the charming world around me. Till then i acquired status of motherhood. And now I had to find words and expression –for those tiny, pink palms who were throwing a soft throb on my face whenever I would come close to kiss the velvety tiny tot.
Now finding myself at little ease whenever I sit with my lap top .I ask myself, “Are the hours of straining the cerebra worth spent?” But my world is ruled by heart .Thus the emotional quest pests me “what I am going to do with these stuffs? Are they worth leaving as legacy or memoirs?” I have no plausible explanation.
But words are my succor- my passion – my companion. They pour out of me- through my expression , my stories.
Then my loving and chirpy companion- my reflection of childhood ,my daughter now she acquainted with speedy gadgets and life. She—gifted me a window of expression, my blog. It is a world of intellectual, a limitless world of friends.
The vibrant platform and connectivity of blog widened my world and reasons. Through my blog I started a different era of life. I ,a person of logical and analytical background now i entered in exciting world of literature.
Being with my buddy, the words I penned different invocation of memories.
These days while explaining analysis and logic of science as a teacher I do find a fellow within me who has been fighting for better grip on words and expression. In those moments I recall stern looks of my blue eyed Anglo- Indian teacher of elementary school on my slip- up of the adjective in place of adverb.
But on the whole in the company of my earnest friend,words life seems refurbishing—after all who won’t feel elated with a true supportive friend of all seasons, the words.